Tuesday, February 19, 2008

CPAC 2008 Thoughts

I attended CPAC 2008, which was held in Washington, D.C. It was a week-and-a-half ago, so I've forgotten most of the details, but it was a fantastic event. I met a lot of rad people and also saw a lot of old friends.

I got to see John McCain, George Allen, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich speak. These were all a real treat. I wanted to see Mitt Romney but I arrived too late and they were turning people away from the doors. McCain got a lot of boos from the conservative crowd, especially on immigration.

Even after the public outcry, John McCain still does not understand the threat that illegal immigration poses. Legal immigration is fine, and we should continue to welcome legal immigrants, but there should be no illegal immigration, and offering amnesty creates incentive to come here illegally.

Paul was well received. A lot of the "conservative" crowd doesn't like his foreign policy, but otherwise they like him. Even Ann Coulter made glowing remarks of Ron Paul; Coulter said it would be fabulous to have Ron Paul in charge of domestic policy.

Allen was not originally scheduled to speak, and when there was a lag in time between McCain's speech and what preceded it, Allen was introduced as a special guest. The crowd immediately got to their feet; conservatives love George Allen. George Allen is a great public speaker; when he speaks it is impossible to not listen.

Gingrich spoke the last day of the conference, in the afternoon, so it had the effect of being a keynote address. Words can't fully do his welcoming justice, so here is the YouTube video of Newt's over-the-top entrance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j9nCAJdgkg

Ethics charges aside, conservatives are still very appreciative of what Newt did in 1994 and the crowd immediately got to their feet. I've never seen a standing ovation quite like it. It was like a party of 5,000 people in one room clapping and hooping and hollering for Newt.

Newt's speech was one of the best speeches I've ever heard in my life. It was just right for the occasion.

This is just a sampling of what I did at CPAC, it was a week or two ago and the details aren't fresh. I had an amazing time and look forward to CPAC 2009!

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