Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bitter's Barnstorm

Now, I realize this isn't exactly fresh blog content, but VCU alumna and standout Angela Bitter has accepted a job on her aunt's Congressional campaign in Arizona.

I had the pleasure of working with Angela on various projects when she was on Student Senate, as well as when she was the Vice-Chairwoman of the VCU College Republicans. So you can see why so I'm so happy for Angela.

Anyway, in a June 19 message to friends, Angela transcribed:

I was struggling to find a job in Richmond, so I did what just about every college grad these days does and moved back home to Virginia Beach to sort out my next plan of action. Just before I could really get comfortable, my aunt announced that she would be running for the 5th United States Congressional district in Phoenix, Arizona. As a result, she offered me a job on the campaign. It took some negotiating, but I am officially flying out there on Monday, and will return in mid-August. [...]

While all of this was going on, I was also accepted to Catholic University in Washington DC for graduate school, which I will be starting in the Fall. I plan on gaining my Master's in Congressional and Presidential Studies, and if that goes well, I would like to earn my Ph.D in American Government. Who knows, I may end up teaching some undergraduate government classes, isn't that a scary thought haha!

Angela's upstart aunt, Susan Bitter Smith, must first win the Republican primary before she can take on freshman Democrat Harry Mitchell in the general election. The district leans conservative.

According to Bitter Smith's campaign website,, Bitter Smith has a wide range of experience in business, government relations, and as an elected official. I think she'd make a fabulous Congresswoman!

Angela is in the desert right now. I salute her, and wish her well!

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